synapter 2.20.1
synapter is free and open-source software. If you use it, please support the project by citing it in publications:
Nicholas James Bond, Pavel Vyacheslavovich Shliaha, Kathryn S. Lilley, and Laurent Gatto. Improving qualitative and quantitative performance for MS\(^E\)-based label free proteomics. J. Proteome Res., 2013, 12 (6), pp 2340–2353
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Here we describe the new functionality implemented in synapter 2.0. Namely this vignette covers the utilisation of the new 3D grid search, the fragment matching, intensity modeling and correction of detector saturation.
The synapter2 workflow is similar to the old one in synapter1.
First it is necessary to use PLGS to create the csv (and xml) files.
Therefore we refer the reader to the default synapter vignette,
available online
and with vignette("synapter", package = "synapter")
In contrast to the original workflow the final_fragment.csv
file for the
identification run and a Spectrum.xml
file for the quantification run are
needed if the fragment matching should be applied.
Subsequently the original workflow is enhanced by the new
3D grid search and the intensity modeling.
Afterwards the fragment matching could be applied.
MSnbase (Gatto and Lilley 2012) is used for further analysis.
The new synapter adds
synapter/PLGS consensus filtering
and the detector saturation correction for MSnSet
New synapter workflow. Dark green boxes show the traditional synapter1 part and the light green boxes highlight the new synapter2 functionality.
objectTo demonstrate a typical step-by-step workflow we use example data
that are available on
There is also an synobj2
object in synapterdata which
contains the same data.
The Synapter
constructor uses a named list
of input files. Please note that
we add identfragments
) and
) because we want to apply the fragment matching
## Please find the raw data at:
inlist <- list(
identpeptide = "fermentor_03_sample_01_HDMSE_01_IA_final_peptide.csv.gz",
identfragments = "fermentor_03_sample_01_HDMSE_01_IA_final_fragment.csv.gz",
quantpeptide = "fermentor_02_sample_01_HDMSE_01_IA_final_peptide.csv.gz",
quantpep3d = "fermentor_02_sample_01_HDMSE_01_Pep3DAMRT.csv.gz",
quantspectra = "fermentor_02_sample_01_HDMSE_01_Pep3D_Spectrum.xml.gz",
fasta = "S.cerevisiae_Uniprot_reference_canonical_18_03_14.fasta")
synobj2 <- Synapter(inlist, master=FALSE)
## Object of class "Synapter"
## Class version 2.0.0
## Package version 1.99.0
## Data files:
## + Identification pep file: fermentor_03_sample_01_HDMSE_01_IA_final_peptide.csv.gz
## + Identification Fragment file: fermentor_02_sample_01_HDMSE_01_Pep3D_Spectrum.xml.gz
## + Quantitation pep file: fermentor_02_sample_01_HDMSE_01_IA_final_peptide.csv.gz
## + Quantitation Pep3DAMRT file: fermentor_02_sample_01_HDMSE_01_Pep3DAMRT.csv.gz
## + Quantitation Spectrum file: fermentor_02_sample_01_HDMSE_01_Pep3D_Spectrum.xml.gz
## + Fasta file: S.cerevisiae_Uniprot_reference_canonical_18_03_14.fasta
## Log:
## [1] "Instance created on Tue Apr 4 09:01:34 2017"
## [2] "Read identification peptide data [11471,16]"
## [ 10 lines ]
## [13] "Read identification fragment data [7078]"
## [14] "Read quantitation spectra [36539]"
The first steps in each synapter analysis are filtering by peptide sequence, peptide length, ppm error and false positive rate.
Here we use the default values for each method. But the accompanying plotting methods should be used to find the best threshold:
filterPeptideLength(synobj2, l=7)