This tutorial demonstrates how to coerce GeoMxSet objects into Seurat or SpatialExperiment objects and the subsequent analyses. For more examples of what analyses are available in these objects, look at these Seurat or SpatialExperiment vignettes.
Data Processing should occur in GeomxTools. Due to the unique nature of the regions of interest (ROIs), it is recommended to use the preproccesing steps available in GeomxTools rather than the single-cell made preprocessing available in Seurat.
datadir <- system.file("extdata", "DSP_NGS_Example_Data",
DCCFiles <- dir(datadir, pattern=".dcc$", full.names=TRUE)
PKCFiles <- unzip(zipfile = file.path(datadir, "/"))
SampleAnnotationFile <- file.path(datadir, "annotations.xlsx")
demoData <-
suppressWarnings(readNanoStringGeoMxSet(dccFiles = DCCFiles,
pkcFiles = PKCFiles,
phenoDataFile = SampleAnnotationFile,
phenoDataSheet = "CW005",
phenoDataDccColName = "Sample_ID",
protocolDataColNames = c("aoi",
After reading in the object, we will do a couple of QC steps.
demoData <- shiftCountsOne(demoData, useDALogic=TRUE)
demoData <- setSegmentQCFlags(demoData, qcCutoffs = list(percentSaturation = 45))
demoData <- setBioProbeQCFlags(demoData)
# low sequenced ROIs
lowSaturation <- which(protocolData(demoData)[["QCFlags"]]$LowSaturation)
# probes that are considered outliers
lowQCprobes <- which(featureData(demoData)[["QCFlags"]]$LowProbeRatio |
# remove low quality ROIs and probes
passedQC <- demoData[-lowQCprobes, -lowSaturation]
## Features Samples
## 8707 88
## Features Samples
## 8698 83
Objects must be aggregated to Target level data before coercing. This changes the row (gene) information to be the gene name rather than the probe ID.
## [1] "Probe"
data.frame(assayData(passedQC)[["exprs"]][seq_len(3), seq_len(3)])
DSP.1001250002642.A02.dcc | DSP.1001250002642.A03.dcc | DSP.1001250002642.A04.dcc | |
RTS0039454 | 294 | 239 | 6 |
RTS0039455 | 270 | 281 | 6 |
RTS0039456 | 255 | 238 | 3 |
target_demoData <- aggregateCounts(passedQC)
## [1] "Target"
data.frame(assayData(target_demoData)[["exprs"]][seq_len(3), seq_len(3)])
DSP.1001250002642.A02.dcc | DSP.1001250002642.A03.dcc | DSP.1001250002642.A04.dcc | |
ACTA2 | 328.286182 | 323.490808 | 6.081111 |
FOXA2 | 4.919019 | 4.919019 | 6.942503 |
NANOG | 2.954177 | 4.128918 | 8.359554 |
It is recommended to normalize using a GeoMx specific model before coercing. The normalized data is now in the assayData slot called “q_norm”.
norm_target_demoData <- normalize(target_demoData, norm_method="quant",
desiredQuantile = .75, toElt = "q_norm")
## [1] "exprs" "q_norm"
data.frame(assayData(norm_target_demoData)[["q_norm"]][seq_len(3), seq_len(3)])
DSP.1001250002642.A02.dcc | DSP.1001250002642.A03.dcc | DSP.1001250002642.A04.dcc | |
ACTA2 | 349.571598 | 344.257297 | 3.968122 |
FOXA2 | 5.237958 | 5.234795 | 4.530208 |
NANOG | 3.145720 | 4.393974 | 5.454880 |
The three errors that can occur when trying to coerce to Seurat are:
## Error in as.Seurat.NanoStringGeoMxSet(demoData): Data must be on Target level before converting to a Seurat Object
as.Seurat(target_demoData, normData = "exprs")
## Error in as.Seurat.NanoStringGeoMxSet(target_demoData, normData = "exprs"): It is NOT recommended to use Seurat's normalization for GeoMx data.
## Normalize using GeomxTools::normalize() or set forceRaw to TRUE if you want to continue with Raw data
as.Seurat(norm_target_demoData, normData = "exprs_norm")
## Error in as.Seurat.NanoStringGeoMxSet(norm_target_demoData, normData = "exprs_norm"): The normData name "exprs_norm" is not a valid assay name. Valid names are: exprs, q_norm
After coercing to a Seurat object all of the metadata is still accessible.
demoSeurat <- as.Seurat(norm_target_demoData, normData = "q_norm")
demoSeurat # overall data object
## An object of class Seurat
## 1821 features across 83 samples within 1 assay
## Active assay: GeoMx (1821 features, 0 variable features)
head(demoSeurat, 3) # most important ROI metadata
orig.ident | nCount_GeoMx | nFeature_GeoMx | | | panel | roi | segment | area | NegGeoMean_Six.gene_test_v1_v1.1 | NegGeoMean_VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | NegGeoSD_Six.gene_test_v1_v1.1 | NegGeoSD_VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | q_norm_qFactors | SampleID | aoi | cell_line | roi_rep | pool_rep | slide_rep | |
DSP-1001250002642-A02.dcc | 67643.36 | 1821 | 6panel-old-slide1 (PTL-10891) | cw005 (PTL-10891) Slide1 | (v1.2) VnV Cancer Transcriptome Atlas, (v1.0) Six gene test custom | 1 | Geometric Segment | 31318.73 | 1.487738 | 3.722752 | 1.560397 | 1.796952 | 0.9391100 | DSP-1001250002642-A02 | Geometric Segment-aoi-001 | HS578T | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
DSP-1001250002642-A03.dcc | 66360.01 | 1821 | 6panel-old-slide1 (PTL-10891) | cw005 (PTL-10891) Slide1 | (v1.2) VnV Cancer Transcriptome Atlas, (v1.0) Six gene test custom | 2 | Geometric Segment | 31318.73 | 2.518775 | 3.068217 | 1.820611 | 1.806070 | 0.9396774 | DSP-1001250002642-A03 | Geometric Segment-aoi-001 | HS578T | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
DSP-1001250002642-A04.dcc | 53749.39 | 1821 | 6panel-old-slide1 (PTL-10891) | cw005 (PTL-10891) Slide1 | (v1.2) VnV Cancer Transcriptome Atlas, (v1.0) Six gene test custom | 3 | Geometric Segment | 31318.73 | 2.847315 | 3.556275 | 1.654831 | 1.762066 | 1.5324910 | DSP-1001250002642-A04 | Geometric Segment-aoi-001 | HEL | 1 | 1 | 1 |
demoSeurat@misc[1:8] # experiment data
## $PKCFileName
## VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 Six-gene_test_v1_v1.1
## "VnV Cancer Transcriptome Atlas" "Six gene test custom"
## $PKCModule
## VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 Six-gene_test_v1_v1.1
## "VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA" "Six-gene_test_v1"
## $PKCFileVersion
## VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 Six-gene_test_v1_v1.1
## 1.2 1.1
## $PKCFileDate
## VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 Six-gene_test_v1_v1.1
## "200518" "200707"
## $AnalyteType
## VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 Six-gene_test_v1_v1.1
## "RNA" "RNA"
## $MinArea
## VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 Six-gene_test_v1_v1.1
## 16000 16000
## $MinNuclei
## VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 Six-gene_test_v1_v1.1
## 200 200
## $shiftedByOne
## [1] TRUE
head(demoSeurat@misc$sequencingMetrics) # sequencing metrics
FileVersion | SoftwareVersion | Date | Plate_ID | Well | SeqSetId | Raw | Trimmed | Stitched | Aligned | umiQ30 | rtsQ30 | DeduplicatedReads | NTC_ID | NTC | Trimmed (%) | Stitched (%) | Aligned (%) | Saturated (%) | |
DSP-1001250002642-A02.dcc | 0.1 | 1.0.0 | 2020-07-14 | 1001250002642 | A02 | VH00121:3:AAAG2YWM5 | 646250 | 646250 | 616150 | 610390 | 0.9785 | 0.9804 | 312060 | DSP-1001250002642-A01.dcc | 7 | 100 | 95.34236 | 94.45106 | 48.87531 |
DSP-1001250002642-A03.dcc | 0.1 | 1.0.0 | 2020-07-14 | 1001250002642 | A03 | VH00121:3:AAAG2YWM5 | 629241 | 629241 | 603243 | 597280 | 0.9784 | 0.9811 | 305528 | DSP-1001250002642-A01.dcc | 7 | 100 | 95.86836 | 94.92071 | 48.84677 |
DSP-1001250002642-A04.dcc | 0.1 | 1.0.0 | 2020-07-14 | 1001250002642 | A04 | VH00121:3:AAAG2YWM5 | 831083 | 831083 | 798188 | 791804 | 0.9785 | 0.9801 | 394981 | DSP-1001250002642-A01.dcc | 7 | 100 | 96.04191 | 95.27376 | 50.11632 |
DSP-1001250002642-A05.dcc | 0.1 | 1.0.0 | 2020-07-14 | 1001250002642 | A05 | VH00121:3:AAAG2YWM5 | 884485 | 884485 | 849060 | 842133 | 0.9796 | 0.9814 | 424162 | DSP-1001250002642-A01.dcc | 7 | 100 | 95.99484 | 95.21168 | 49.63242 |
DSP-1001250002642-A06.dcc | 0.1 | 1.0.0 | 2020-07-14 | 1001250002642 | A06 | VH00121:3:AAAG2YWM5 | 781936 | 781936 | 751930 | 744669 | 0.9779 | 0.9803 | 355121 | DSP-1001250002642-A01.dcc | 7 | 100 | 96.16260 | 95.23401 | 52.31156 |
DSP-1001250002642-A07.dcc | 0.1 | 1.0.0 | 2020-07-14 | 1001250002642 | A07 | VH00121:3:AAAG2YWM5 | 703034 | 703034 | 674815 | 668726 | 0.9776 | 0.9797 | 341008 | DSP-1001250002642-A01.dcc | 7 | 100 | 95.98611 | 95.12001 | 49.00632 |
head(demoSeurat@misc$QCMetrics$QCFlags) # QC metrics
LowReads | LowTrimmed | LowStitched | LowAligned | LowSaturation | LowNegatives | HighNTC | LowArea | |
DSP-1001250002642-A02.dcc | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE |
DSP-1001250002642-A03.dcc | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE |
DSP-1001250002642-A04.dcc | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE |
DSP-1001250002642-A05.dcc | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE |
DSP-1001250002642-A06.dcc | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE |
DSP-1001250002642-A07.dcc | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | TRUE | FALSE | FALSE |
head(demoSeurat@assays$GeoMx@meta.features) # gene metadata
TargetName | Module | CodeClass | GeneID | SystematicName | Negative | |
ACTA2 | ACTA2 | VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | Endogenous | 59 | ACTA2 | FALSE |
FOXA2 | FOXA2 | VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | Endogenous | 3170 | FOXA2 | FALSE |
NANOG | NANOG | VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | Endogenous | 79923, 388112 | NANOG, NANOGP8 | FALSE |
TRAC | TRAC | VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | Endogenous | NA | TRAC | FALSE |
TRBC1/2 | TRBC1/2 | VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | Endogenous | NA | TRBC1 | FALSE |
TRDC | TRDC | VnV_GeoMx_Hs_CTA_v1.2 | Endogenous | NA | TRDC | FALSE |
All Seurat functionality is available after coercing. Outputs might differ if the ident value is set or not.
VlnPlot(demoSeurat, features = "nCount_GeoMx", pt.size = 0.1)
demoSeurat <- as.Seurat(norm_target_demoData, normData = "q_norm", ident = "cell_line")
VlnPlot(demoSeurat, features = "nCount_GeoMx", pt.size = 0.1)